Teaching Ideas

Word in Context.JPG

Click on the image for more lesson plan details.  Lesson plan by Alexandra Bolintineanu.

Word in Context:  Examine a word in an Old English passage, using the Dictionary of Old English and the Dictionary of Old English Corpus.

Word in Context Omeka.JPG

Click on the image for more lesson plan details.  Lesson plan by Alexandra Bolintineanu.  Image of the angel from the British Library Catalogue of Illuminated Manuscripts:  British Library MS Arundel 155, f. 9v, detail of a drawing of Pachomius receiving the tables from an angel.

Examine a word in an Old English passage, using the Dictionary of Old English and the Dictionary of Old English Corpus.  Then connect that word to the visual and material culture of Anglo-Saxon England.



Click on the image for more lesson plan details.  Lesson plan by Daniel M. Brielmaier.  Word cloud created with Wordle (introductory passage from The Wanderer.)

Explore the oral and performative aspects of Old English poetry and prose by creating an Omeka archive of audio recordings of significant passages.  This is a group project.

Flash Cards.JPG

Click on the image for more lesson plan details.  Lesson plan by Kasandra Castle.  Image is screenshot of the DOE's "abecede" entry.

Create a word journal (essentially, a curated collection of smart, interrelated flash cards, with multimedia components) for Old English words, using the DOE and the DOE Corpus.  Example journal entry:  collen-ferhþ, illustrated below.


An example of the Old English Word Journal assignment.

The Old English word "collen-ferhþ" means "bold, audacious."  Explore its meaning more closely in an Old English Word Journal assignment.

Nation Words.JPG

Click on the image for more lesson plan details.  Lesson plan by Anna Wilson.  Image created with Wordle (a word cloud of words generated by a DOE search for 'nation' under the rubric 'Definition').

Use the Dictionary of Old English and the Dictionary of Old English corpus to examine developing ideas of nationhood in early medieval history.


Teaching Ideas